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Automating the Process of Ensuring That Locations Are Safe and COVID-19 Free

CLEARED4 is a management platform for automated monitoring of COVID-19 symptoms across your organization, ensuring safe, COVID-19 free spaces. 

4-Step Problem Solving Process

Employees need to feel safe returning to the workplace. Employers need real-time COVID-19 monitoring, automated scheduling, and access control of their core employees to ensure productivity and safety, minimize further disruptions to the workplace and loss of talent to illness, avoid headline risk of new outbreaks and litigation, and offer optimal workflow between businesses and their clients. 


There is NO clear path and documented process to manage workforce eligibility for return to work and keeping the work environment safe from COVID-19 spread.

Image by Markus Spiske

Step 1 :
Identity & Health Data

We connect your user's identity to their health data from any source, and store them in our secure, HIPAA/GDPR compliant platform.

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Step 2: Compliance Rules

You can set the compliance rules, and then change them, in real-time. Customize your rules to match your organization or region to ensure safe access.

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Step 3:
Safe Access

If an individual meets all of the health and safety requirements for entry, the data-driven rules engine grants building access. Access can be enabled in many ways:
•  Scannable QR code
•  Attended or non-attended kiosk
•  RFID card
•  Unlocking event tickets
•  Connected to wearables and more


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Step 4:
Reporting Compliance

Our HIPAA/GDPR compliant dashboard can be used by organizations to track and report activity in real-time. Optionally, clients can choose to outsource reporting to our managed service providers to create a seamless end-to-end experience.

Integrated Solution

CLEARED4 combines six critical components to provide a comprehensive health platform that helps clients create and maintain safe spaces during pandemics, flu seasons, and other disease outbreaks.

Strict Access
Contact Trace
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COVID-19 Test
Compliant Dashboard

A health validation platform has moved from a temporary need to a key necessity for organizations of all sizes.

Dashboard Features
  • Add all staff, students or visitors into our secure HIPAA platform


  • CDC-approved symptom monitor​​ing questions securely messaged to your users with daily reminders


  • Your symptom-free users are provided secure mobile passes to come back to work


  • Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms are automatically quarantined

  • Contract Trace reports are accessible to speed up documentation and follow-up

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Frictionless Symptom Monitoring
& Secure Access Passes

  • Easy to use on any device, with no app download, and no passwords to remember

  • Sends secure daily reminder messages​ via SMS or email


  • Instant COVID-19 symptom status results with dynamic travel quarantine guidance

  • Secure Access Passes are issued to healthy users and guidance provided to those with symptoms


  • Design and messaging is customized to your operational needs

Kiosk Integration with Touchsource
  • Contact-less temperature scanning kiosks provide an additional layer of safety

  • Our kiosk integrations enables organizations to ensure strict access control​


  • Authorized users can scan their mobile passes to gain access to the building


  • All activity is tracked for seamless contact trace reporting

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COVID-19 Test Integration

The CLEARED4 Platform is the first return-to-work platform with ubiquitous access to real-time test results from the top labs and hospitals.  All test results for your teams can be stored and crossed referenced with access protocols and contact trace documentation requirements.


In addition, for employers who need their staff tested, either at the office, or at home, CLEARED4 offers a range of cost-effective, and fast-turnaround testing products through its partners.


CLEARED4 Benefits


Saves time for HR to manage how and when employees can to return to work, should be quarantined or tested.

Medical Insights

Receive personalized advice from our experienced COVID-19 medical team to ensure best practice protocols are being followed.


Gives peace of mind to employees and clients that management is doing all it can to ensure a safe environment. 


Can be customized for each particular business and can be modified depending on the particular needs, characteristics and locale of the businesses.


HIPAA/GDPR compliant and continually updated with recommendations from the CDC, FDA, and most recent medical literature. 

CLEARED4 is a global, health data platform that makes managing health-related safety easy and cost-effective.

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